Trust and Estate Administration Issues and What We Need to Know as Estate Planners

Date: Tuesday, February 7, 2023
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: DoubleTree Guest Suites, 2601 Richmond Rd, Lexington, KY
Speaker: Hon. Bruce Bell - Kentucky 22nd District Court, Division 2

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For our February meeting, we are very excited to welcome Kentucky District Court Judge Bruce Bell to speak to us on the topic of "Trust and Estate Administration Issues and What We Need to Know as Estate Planners."

Judge Bruce Bell received his Bachelor's Degree from Duke University and his JD Degree from the University of Kentucky College of Law.  He practiced at the law firm of Fowler, Measle and Bell for more than 20 years before being appointed to the Fayette District Court Bench in July of 2004 where he has served for the last 18 years.  He is currently Chief Judge of the Fayette District Court, 22nd Judicial District and Chief Regional Judge of the Fayette region.  He is a member of the Kentucky Bar Association, Fayette County Bar Association and Kentucky District Judges Association.  He has conducted Truancy Court at Edythe J Hayes Middle School and has frequently judged Moot Court competitions.  In 2010, Judge Bell helped establish the Fayette District Court Child Support Diversion Program.  He is currently the President of Kentucky District Judges for a Better Commonwealth and participates in many other civic and charitable organizations.  Judge Bell is married with four children and three grandchildren.  He was a member of the 1978 Duke basketball team that "lost" to Kentucky in the NCAA finals.  He is probably one of the only few that root for both UK and Duke!  (Those are his words...not mine, by the way!)

Please join us at the DoubleTree Guest Suites, 2601 Richmond Rd, for this special meeting.  A buffet lunch with be served.  The cost of this meeting is $15 for members and $25 for guests. 

If you wish to attend this meeting, you must RSVP no later than 3:00 PM on Friday, February 3rd, by either clicking this link - - or by replying directly to this email.  Please be sure to RSVP so that we have plenty of space and food for everyone.  Those who come to the meeting having not RSVP'd may run the risk of being turned away at the door if there is not enough space, so please be sure to RSVP even if you have pre-paid your lunches for the year.

If you will be bringing a guest, please be sure that I have their name so that a nametag can be prepared for them.

***Be sure to bring a business card with you for our drawing - we will be giving away a $50 Visa Gift Card  at this meeting!  (Members only...board members are not eligible.)

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, February 7th, from 11:30-1:00 at the DoubleTree Guest Suites!

Melissa Gregory, Council Executive


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